Thursday, March 5, 2009

Van and Nik's images

Van is adding some of his best pics to date. The leaf one's are very arty especially with the feet left in. Also the shot of his sister Maya with shadows is cool. But the shot of Mum really has fashion written all over it...nice work Van, impressive. All shot with available light on a Canon Powershot A470 7.1 mp. The fashion shot was photoshopped B&W by dad...he's not getting on my Mac just yet!
I have made images of Van and Maya using a simple one light setup. Canon 580 EX 11 speedlight with umbrella and shot on a Canon 5D Mark 11 with 100mm f2.0 lens.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nik,

    I love all of them. The portrait of Van and Maya are so beautiful! Van certainly got his Dad's talent and Mum's good look. Maybe it is time to change 'Nik West Photography' to 'West Photography' :-)

